Posts about art system

Autonomous, not independent

Encuentro de Gestiones Autónomas de Artes Visuales Contemporáneas. Córdoba, Argentina. photo: Ivana Maritano.  july 3rd, 2011 [Versión en Español] The last fifteen years of[…]

Local (Ob)Scenes – An overlook

[versión en español] This article summarizes different discussions, which we held during 2009, related to the artworks defense clinic SPARRING TOUR held in Argentina and Uruguay with local[…]

The Rise of the Clinic 03 – Admission Diagnosis.

This article was written in the context of SPARRING TOUR 2009 [versión en español] The visual arts clinic is an intervention which desires its consequences. The most obvious[…]

Local, tie or visit. Editoriality for visual arts and local scenes

This article was published in the context of the Seminar of Contemporary Art LOCAL SCENE: THE MYTH OF THE RECONSTRUCTION. Concepción, Chile. November 2010. [versión[…]

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