The eye fills with horizon


Catalogue text for exhibition
by José Villalonga.
August 2015-08-20

The limits have been wrong;
they have got confused
in a straight line of terror.
Andrés Sabella.

[versión en español]

to look is a challenge. a challenge which hides behind the naturalisation of what has been seen, it´s everyday use, efficiency and it´s virtue as a record. hidden in plain sight. denied in it´s saturation. sweet, fluid, macabre.

and behind of what is not seen, the terror appears. that feeling that has obviated the evident, what was always there. that which has made us call home our house. that which has made us trust in appearances and landscapes of restless tranquillity.

to look is a challenge. because by looking we are forced, required, organized. by looking we establish what we know, we test it, we make it explicit and convert it in an object that is to be looked at again.

in the look we are resisted, pushed, demanded. the world invades us, we are a bridge. the way that nature is shaped, the truth that floods it, decides and breaks. an obligation which demands of us and liberates us. a possibility to steal the notion of looking to the eye. to steal the horizon to the space.

there is no landscape. no nature. no objects that have been not been discriminated.

everything that is outside, is built in your head waiting, waiting to be confronted and defied by what we have ignored because of knowing.

To look is to loose oneself. to become another. to try oneself again.

Jorge Sepúlveda T.
Independent Curator.
August 2015.

translated by Lorraine Green.


(The eye fills with horizon)
Solo show of José Villalonga
Curated by Jorge Sepúlveda T.
Open: August 27, 2015, 19:00 hrs.

Galería de Arte Farrarons Fenoglio Arte Contemporáneo.
Mitre 442 – Paseo de la Catedral – Local 21, 8400
San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.

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